Tag Archive for: self defense

On March 15 and 16, 2025 we will host two experienced instructors from our partner school Yoshin Ryu in Turin, Italy, for an intensive self-defense class.

You can sign up here. Keep reading for more details. Your booking is not valid without a bank transfer by March 14, at the latest – see below.

Ever wondered what you would do if you actually got physically attacked, or got into a physical altercation of some kind? Want to learn practical, applicable and proven self-defense techniques to use in just such a situation?

Come join us for this unique opportunity! We will provide a safe learning environment open to people of all genders, backgrounds and fitness levels. No prior experience is needed.

You will walk away with effective strategies for avoiding dangerous situations in the first place, proven self-defense techniques derived from our martial art Jutaijutsu, and increased confidence in your abilities to handle and safely exit physical altercations.

The workshop runs on Saturday, March 15, from 10h – 16h and on Sunday, March 16, from 10h – 14h. The cost is 40 EUR (30 EUR for Yanagi members or anyone using a reduced category – students, Berlin pass, etc.). You will get a month of free training at Yanagi on top if you join now!

To participate, you’ll need comfortable workout clothes (you can wear a white martial arts gi if you own one, with a white belt). We will train barefoot inside the gym. Also bring some trainers/sneakers/running shoes and a jacket to wear outside in case we venture out for a short outdoors session.

You’ll also need some water and light snacks for the breaks. We have three changing rooms – one is typically used for male-identifying people, one for female-identifying, and a third one in case anyone is not comfortable with binary categories or setups.

Sign up via the link and send us an email if you have any further questions! IMPORTANT: please transfer the participation fee to our bank account BEFORE the workshop, i.e. by March 14 at the latest. Your spot at the workshop is not confirmed without the transfer. Our details:

Yanagi Jutaijutsu Berlin, IBAN: DE79 8306 5408 0004 1206 39, BIC: GENODEF1SLR

We very much look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

Illustrated by Laura Breiling


About: This is a culinary self-defense class for cis and trans-women, trans men and non-binary folx. It is designed to give all participants some extra resources that will come in handy when navigating a patriarchal, cis-hetero-normative world every day. It focuses on learning about our environment, ourselves and the others around us from a physical and emotional self-defense perspective. This means we will do some fun exercises that allow us new insights into these things, learn some basic martial arts techniques, and familiarize ourselves with our (physical) strength.

  • When? Every Friday, starting March 25 till May 27th, 2022, from 7.30 PM to 9.30 PM.
  • Where? Steinmetzstr. 46, 10783 Berlin
  • Carbs? Dinner is served on May 27th at Superrrr Lab, Berlin Moritzplatz
  • Costs? You can choose to pay anywhere from 20 EUR to 70 EUR for this class. The dinner will be 15 EUR on top.
  • What to bring? Comfortable sports clothes, e.g. jogging pants and T-Shirt or similar.
  • Beginners welcome, no prior knowledge necessary.

This is a joint event series by Yanagi Jutaijutsu Berlin e. V. and SUPERRR Lab
The course will be taught by Eva Dingel, founder of Yanagi and Ilaria Bruzzone, both 3rd level black belts in Jutaijutsu.


  • To sign up drop us an email: info[at]yanagi.berlin


  • Session 1: March25th. Intro & getting to know each other Familiarizing ourselves with an environment: what’s important? How can we use all our resources to figure out and navigate a new (or familiar) space we’re in?
  • Session 2: April 1st. First intro to using the strength that we have, and directing it outwards What’s our personal ‘circle’ and why is this important? How do we react when someone tries to enter it?
  • Session 3: April 29th. Getting physical, part I: a few nice and simple techniques to use in case someone thinks they can enter our circle, or touch us without permission
  • Session 4: May 6th. Mind & body, in this case: confronting some physical challenges, and using our breathing as well as different strategies to overcome them
  • Session 5: May 13th. Getting physical, part II: using all the things we’ve learned, plus surprise amazing experience!!!!
  • Dinner: May 27th. Yummy food, plus the space to talk and share together. At SUPERRR Lab Space, Oranienstr. 58 A, Berlin (on Moritzplatz, straight across from Modulor). 2G rules apply. We ask you to present proof of vaccination or recovery.


Check out the Yanagi Berlin website for more info and the Code of Conduct or drop us an email: info[at]yanagi.berlin